Dr. Michael Bates is the creator of X’s and O’s – a website with informative information about sexual wellness at any age. Sexual dysfunction is a concern for many women. X’s and O’s has created a helpful infographic to describe what you need to know about sexual concerns and why women aren’t talking about it.

It’s difficult to talk about problems in the bedroom—and it’s especially difficult for women to talk about problems they might have with sexual dysfunction. But it happens, and actually more frequently to women than to men. But whether it happens once or regularly, there are things that you can do to help conquer sexual dysfunction with women.
Sexual dysfunction takes a number of different forms. It may simply be a lack of interest, or it may be painful sex. The outcome is as varied as the reasons, which include everything from age and hormones to medical conditions.
In addition to discussing the problem with a doctor or therapist, you can also practice a number of healthful routines, including better eating and yoga. For more insights and solutions, take a look at this graphic.



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